Julex Market Weekly 02-24-2013 | Emerging Market Stocks and Commodities Declined as Oil Prices Dropped

Top Stories Last Week • Emerging Market Stocks and Commodities Declined as Oil Prices Dropped Emerging market stocks dropped to seven-week low as a report signaled the euro-area’s economy contracted more than forecast and concern grew that the U.S. Federal Reserve may slow the pace of stimulus. Commodities tumbled as oil inventories were reported higher … Read more

Dynamic Real Asset

The Dynamic Real Asset Strategy is a multi asset class strategy that seeks to achieve better returns than the Barclay’s Aggregate U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Securities Index with comparable volatility and  peak-to-trough drawdowns.  The multi asset class strategy can include ETF, ETN, or index fund investments in real asset classes including material and energy equities, real estates, MLPs, commodities, gold and U.S. Treasury … Read more

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