One Take Away from the June Jobs Report – Leisure and Hospital Industry Accounts for 21% of the New Jobs

Jeffrey Megar, CFA,  Co-Portfolio Manager Non-farm payroll numbers really surprised on the upside in June after severely disappointing in May.  Friday’s job number of 287,000 new jobs added in June was about 100,000 more than the market expected.  Interesting, and a change from previous months, leisure and hospitality was one of the leading sectors for … Read more

Our Thoughts on Brexit

Last night, Britain voted to leave the European Union by a narrow margin. Global stock markets tumbled as the result surprised many investors.  We were not surprised by the exit, but were surprised by the strong market reaction.  The markets had not priced in this outcome, though the event had been well broadcasted for months. … Read more

Julex Capital Recognized as Top Guns Manager by Informa Investment Solutions in Q1 2016

BOSTON, MA – May 18, 2016 – Julex Capital Management, LLC., announced that its’ Dynamic Sector, Dynamic Income and Dynamic Emerging Market strategies were recognized with “Top Guns” status within the Informa Investment Solutions’ PSN investment manager database today.  Julex Capital is an innovative investment firm offering tactical/risk managed solutions that aim to deliver consistent … Read more

Julex Macro Chart Book | Q1, 2016

We have just published our Quarterly Macro Chart Book for Q1 2016. The general themes are: Economy continues expanding at a slow pace; Job market is strong and labor participation rate inches up from 30-year low; Inflation is muted, but core inflation has reached over 2.2%; Central bank monetary policies diverge, US will continue its … Read more

Risk-Off Signal- January 2016

At Julex Capital, we run a three step quantitative model the first of which determines the market environment, we call it the RiskSwitchTM.  The RiskSwitchTM looks at various market indicators to determine the overall investment environment.   The chart below is an example of two of the economic indicators we use to determine the health of the US … Read more

Julex Dynamic Income Ranked “Top Guns” Performer by Informa PSN in Q3 2015

BOSTON, MA – November 17, 2015 – Julex Capital Management, LLC., an innovative  investment firm offering tactical solutions that aim to deliver consistent returns by minimizing the downside while participating in the upside, today announced that its Dynamic Income strategy achieved “Top Guns” status within the Informa Investment Solutions’ PSN investment manager database.  The strategy … Read more

Risk Managed TrueAlpha(TM) US Equity

Risk Managed TrueAlpha™  US Equity is a quantitative equity strategy aiming to deliver both outperformance over index during market upswings and downside management during severe market downturns. It combines both our TrueAlpha™ stock selection model with our RiskSwitch™ tactical risk management model.  When the market is identified as “risk on”, the strategy normally invested in … Read more

TrueAlpha(TM) Large Cap

TrueAlpha™ Large Cap is a quantitative equity strategy aiming to deliver “true” stock selection alpha unrelated to risk factors such as value, size or momentum. It normally invested in 30-40 high quality stocks with high profitability, safe balance sheet and low sensitivity to economic cycle. The strategy strives to outperform Russel 1000 Index significantly with … Read more

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