Customized Investment Solutions and Advisor Support

Investment advisors like you serve a sophisticated array of clients in an environment that is constantly evolving in complexity and risk. The “one-size-fits-all” solutions are often not sufficient for clients to achieve their financial goals. Julex Capital offers customized investment solutions that clients need to navigate fast moving, volatile markets. We are dedicated to building lasting relationships with financial advisors by providing ongoing investment support and research to help enhance the client experience.


Customized Investment Solutions and Proprietary Strategies

 Customized investment solutions tailored to your needs: risk-based and goal-based portfolio solutions
 Tactical asset allocation strategies
 Alpha-oriented quantitative equity strategies
 Income Solutions
 ESG Investments
 Option overlay strategies

Ongoing Support

 Access to weekly investment webinar
 Monthly market and portfolio commentary
 Monthly investment and performance updates
 Monthly Macro Chart Book
 Quarterly Performance Review
 Access to Investment Team Members

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