Risk Managed TrueAlpha(TM) US Equity

Risk Managed TrueAlpha™  US Equity is a quantitative equity strategy aiming to deliver both outperformance over index during market upswings and downside management during severe market downturns. It combines both our TrueAlpha™ stock selection model with our RiskSwitch™ tactical risk management model.  When the market is identified as “risk on”, the strategy normally invested in 25-40 high quality undervalued stocks with higher profitability and safer balance sheet.  When the market is identified as “risk off”, the portfolio risk exposure is reduced partially or completely.

[button link=”https://www.julexcapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/RiskManagedTrueAlpha_Factsheet-Q1.2018.pdf” color=”blue” size=”small”]RISK MANAGED TRUEALPHA™ US EQUITY FACTSHEET[/button]

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